The Customer Experience Compass:
Stop Sabotaging Your Service Experiences in 5 Days
(Even If You Think the Problem Isn’t Your Fault)
This FREE, 5-day email course will guide you through everything you need to (1) avoid the 5 mistakes that create slower resolutions, (2) stop triggering defensive responses, and (3) reduce unnecessary frustration to achieve better results.
This course is designed to help you stop sabotaging your own service experiences
and finally get the results you deserve.
Created by
Melissa/Mo Jo Jo,
who has...
Over 20 years of accumulating customer service strategies and soft skills across multiple industries in face-to-face and phone-based interactions with large and small companies.
More than 41,600 hours of hands-on experience handling customer service interactions, bridging gaps, and finding resolutions.
A deep understanding of service dynamics as both a representative and a customer—because everyone is someone’s customer.

Want to Know Exactly What You’ll Learn?
Here’s a preview of the guidance you’ll receive:
Day 1 | Mistake #1: Venting frustration on the wrong person—and why this makes resolutions harder.Day 2 | Mistake #2: Letting courtesy slip—and why rudeness derails cooperation.Day 3 | Mistake #3: Jumping to negative conclusions—and why this blocks trust and progress.Day 4 | Mistake #4: Approaching without a clear goal—and why an unclear ask leads to unmet expectations.Day 5 | Mistake #5: Wanting the moon (and nothing less)—and why insisting on perfection creates a deadlock.
Success! The first lesson of the Customer Experience Compass is on its way to your inbox.
Within the next minute or two, you'll receive an email from me, Melissa/Mo Jo Jo.This email contains instructions on how to get started with our Customer Experience Compass, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I’ll be happy to help! 😊
P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤷🏻)